Attracting Book Buyers
Two essential promotional elements will attract book buyers: a great book cover and a killer book description. No matter how good a book might be, if a reader’s interest is lost before they finish reading the book description, then there is absolutely no hope of reading the preview. Let alone buying the book.

The two main elements to attract book buyers and how to get them to work for you.
The cover and blurb are the two primary elements in marketing that attract and engage potential book buyers. But it seems that while most self-published authors have learned to produce or buy quality book covers, many have failed to appreciate the importance of their book’s description. I would say that many have been written quickly at the time of publishing, with little or no thought given to it at all. It would be best if you gave a lot of thought to attracting and engaging readers.
Another critical factor is to include keywords relevant to the story within the first 160 characters or about 15 words of the description.
Why is this so important?
Search engines will index a book’s description with the title as the heading, and then the first 160 characters as the description will enable people to find your book on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
While this will make the book description on Amazon and Kindle more discoverable, it leads to a second conclusion.
Reusing the same description for a book on every site is a bad idea to attract book buyers. Search engines generally will not add more links, as the content is all the same.
However, that opens the door to an opportunity.
Have more than one book description.
Having several book descriptions, using different keywords in the first sentence will give a book a far better chance of gaining more indexing. Posting a modified version of a book’s description should result in additional search engine listings.
Finding more sites to add different book description versions can only increase your book’s promotional and marketing chances.
Your book description needs to work for you.
Make your book description work for you, and never underestimate its power in attracting a potential book buyer.
Many advice sites on the Internet offer ideas and tips for writing an excellent book description. Do a Google search on writing a unique book description and get some ideas.
At the same time, don’t forget about the power of search engine listings to increase your book sales.
Spend time researching and collecting a list of about fifty single and long-tail keywords related to the story. That will attract more organic traffic and write each new book description version around two or three keywords.
Is it time to give your two main promotional elements some more thought?
Here are some more ideas on Book Cover Design.