Becoming a Self-Published Author

Congratulations on Finishing your Book!
It’s time to self-publish and get your book in the hands of hungry like-minded readers.
Below are all the detailed information and sample templates you’ll need to succeed as a Self-Publisher.
We have streamlined the process and made it as easy as 1-2-3.

Formatting Your Manuscript and Cover
First, correctly formatting your book is an integral part of the printing process. When done correctly, it can avoid preventable and costly errors. Formatting also includes things like whether the lines are single or double-spaced. What size font? What typeface? Bleeds on the cover? Position of key design elements?
Presto Page has easy to use templates to make everything as smooth as possible. Plus, a detailed explanation of the “how’s” and “why’s” of the printing process, complete with detailed information on Image Resolution, so your images turn out perfect.
Don’t have a Book Cover Design? Check the “Custom Designed Cover” option in the checkout, and our talented staff will work with you to bring your ideas to life. OR, if you want to design your cover, download one of our many book cover templates.

ISBN Number
Second, if you plan on selling your book through retail, online, or possibly both, then you will need to purchase an ISBN Number for each version of the book you create.
International Standard Book Numbers, also known as ISBNs, are required to publish and distribute a book through a bookseller.
An ISBN is used to identify a book worldwide, and nearly all booksellers require a unique ISBN.
Find out everything you need to know about it here.

Ordering Your Books
And finally, use our online calculators to know what you’re getting and paying – which includes free ground shipping. Start by choosing a style of Book Binding, then go through all the options for your book: Quantity, Paper Stock, Cover Finish, upload your files, fill out the shipping address, and pay.
Not sure what binding style is right for you? Paperback books and Graphic Novels are Perfect Bound. Magazines and Comic books are Saddle-Stitched. Cook Books are Plastic Coil Bound. Manuals and Instructional Books are bound with Twin Loop.
Order now, and before you know it, your masterpiece is in your hands.
You wrote it, you own it, sell it, and keep 100% of the profits.
Self-Publishers never had it so good!
Book Printing > Affordable Pricing > Free Shipping
Quick Rundown of the Ordering Process
Yeah, Self-Publishing is that easy.

Self-Publishing has never been easier with online ordering through Presto Page. As always, we offer FREE Ground Shipping within the United States.
Visit any one of our checkouts: Perfect Bound Checkout, Saddle-Stitch Checkout, Plastic Coil Checkout, or Twin Loop Wire-O Checkout for any style of book you want to make! It’s time to become the published author you only dreamed about becoming.
Let’s get your book in the hands of hungry like-minded readers.
Below is all the detailed information, including sample templates and formatting info you’ll need to succeed.
Self-Publishing Needs Beyond the Book Printing
We understand your Self-Publishing needs go beyond just the book being printed. So when you are ready to publish your book fully, we have the connections to make it happen. We have partnered with industry leaders over the past 30+ years to provide you the best options.
Directions: Please fill out this questionnaire as completely as you can. This information helps make a plan that will best help you reach your goals.