Correctly choosing from our several types of paper stock can be a crucial decision. Like you, we believe there’s no substitute for the look and feel of a real book. It’s a tactile experience as well as an intellectual one, and this experience will help your story stick with readers long after it’s finished. Because this physical dimension is so critical, it’s essential that you select a paper stock that best suits your project.
Presto Page offers a multitude of options for every kind of book, so let’s find out which is most appropriate for you.
Text Stock
Your pages will be printed on text stock. It is generally light, thin, and flexible, and comes in a variety of weights and coatings. Weight is just that: how heavy the paper is. It often, but not always, corresponds with thickness, and is typically measured in pounds. Coating refers to protective layers or finishes applied to the paper surface, which may also serve a number of aesthetic purposes. Uncoated, or offset, paper tends to have a rougher texture and higher ink absorbency.
Let’s explore some different types of paper stock:
- 50# White Offset: This is the thinnest paper we offer, and is best-suited to black-and-white books with no pictures.
- 60# White Offset: Due to its slightly increased weight, this stock is suited to books with pictures as well as text.
- 60# Natural Offset: Similar to the above, this stock comes in a pleasing cream/off-white color, making it suitable for novels and narrative non-fiction.
- 70# White Offset: This stock is ideal for full-color books.
- 80# White Glossy: Best for full-color, graphic-heavy publications like magazines, catalogs, comic books, and photo books.
- 100# White Glossy: Similar to the above, but thicker and sturdier.
Cover Stock
Just as the name implies, this is the stock on which your cover will be printed. By necessity, this is heavier, thicker, and more rigid than text stock. That said, cover stock is still available in a variety of weights and finishes. Cover weight, however, tends to be measured by point rather than pound. 10 points is roughly equivalent to 90 pounds.
We offer cover stock in 10, 12, and 14 point varieties, as well as the following finishes:
- Gloss Lamination: This offers both a high-shine finish and a standard level of protection.
- Matte Lamination: A flatter look and more tactile finish, though somewhat more susceptible to scratches.
- Gloss UV Coating: A hyper-glossy, almost wet look that offers superior protection. This finish, however, is not ideal if you intend to use foil-stamping.
- Matte UV Coating: The same flat look and tactile finish as Matte Lamination, but with the protective properties of Gloss UV Coating. Again, not ideal for foil-stamping.
- Soft Touch Lamination: While very similar to Matte Lamination in appearance, Soft Touch Lamination has a softer, almost velvety texture.
- Uncoated: No coating or finish. Offers an interesting tactile experience but is vulnerable to dirt and damage.
Finishes can be applied to one or both sides of your cover stock. Choose C1S for single-sided, and C2S for double-sided.
At Presto Page, we understand that choosing the right paper stock is a critical step in bringing your vision to life. Our experienced team can guide you through a range of paper options, helping you select the perfect fit for your project. Reach out to us today for a personalized consultation!